Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Nightmares Night Sweats I Have Been Having Terrible Night Sweats And Dreams?

I have been having terrible night sweats and dreams? - nightmares night sweats

approximately 8 months, I had nightmares almost every night, and night sweats every night. I find it hard to manage night sweats, and I am a drug, but I do not know if this is not the cause of Seroquel and Effexor cause night sweats? and how do I get rid of


firedup said...

Obviously, your medication cause the reaction. Here you will find a replacement for 1 or both. Tell your doc, what happens should he or she be able to save anything.

Sara B said...

He was sweating, I opened the window and turns the fan at night, but when I at night very cold.

As for bad dreams, try to speak to a psychologist. Make your dreams have a theme? If so, maybe put something on the back of your mind and you do not know.

Ooops. Edit:
I have no idea what you can do all of the systems for you. Try to examine the effects on the bottle or call your doctor and ask him.

Ally said...

Sounds like he suffered from anxiety.
Are nightmares for something specific? As a traumatic event in his past, or what?

I used to have nightmares a bit, but it was clear, because I was very stressed.
According to my stress problems have been solved, do not have nightmares return.

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