Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Make Your Own Wwe Title Belt Should WWE Smackdown Have There Own Title?

Should WWE Smackdown have there own title? - make your own wwe title belt

They should, as ECW has been permit itself.


wwefan said...

You must have a bachelor's SmackDown, theres a for ECW. It would be fair, there would be a series champion.

elaine a said...

There are no titles that already have enough to eat and should not be the title. Titles are meaningless when there are so many of them, the mutual exclusivity of the title

BEAST said...

Well, your question makes more sense. ECW is the heat today. As the title is less known. But I suppose you could throw an SD Champion, without adding the WWE Champion.

Would you plz shut the hell up ™ said...

No. .. Last thing they need is another title
also the rules of the owners is less reduced ND

The Phenomenal Heartbeak Kid said...

hey ur the fake who has no life, happens all the time there are issues about the cost losers ranting does not live life in the cellar of 40 years to eat his mother asked Tamales Detroit Waves

Rohit said...

Clone So, where is ur === hurricanedan Daniel

I can not believe people actually responded UR QUESTION

THE FAN OF TNA said...

WWE Championship OK

RKO said...

If something is not there back cruiserwieght tilde

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